Monday, December 21, 2009

Blog - We Live Young: Bali Magic

The following is an entry on Nirrimi's blog, 1 Dec 2009. View the original here. View photographs here.

"bali magic

i'm not perfect at this blogging thing! we've been in bali for a week now. it's been sun and cocktails and streetmarkets and satay and hotelpools and beaches and magic mushrooms and golden skin and indonesian children and love. it's absolutely delicious.

i have to admit, i haven't really felt like a photographer for a very long while now. but today i did.

we went to sanur for photowork and wandered afterward. along this long stretch of shore the sun was low and there were hundreds of people swimming in the sea. children necks-deep and guffawing, splashing the warm ocean, breathing and being life. i haven't been taking my camera with me, but i had it, and so i took photos (and matt with his film camera). it'd be nice to be a documentary photographer. you would meet people who really live. you'd see instead of think, and not have to pretend anything. i think that is something i've soaked in from matt, he inspires me so much. he has been so good to me this trip, i want to go everywhere with him.

we're staying in kuta. of course, we're not much of party animals. if we're any kind of animal we're probably sloths, or sleepy moths that flutter and flitter then hide. but we've been trying cocktails and our decided favourite is bailey's comet. matt's always drinking bintang though. and oh, there was our interesting night when we decided to try the magic mushroom drink not actually believing there would be any of that in there. surprise, surprise- there was.

it was our first high. we were giggling to begin with. about everything. we felt light-limbed and warm and bliss. matt began writing and i opened my journal and wrote one sentence poetry and drew all over the pages. there was music and i was drawing to the music. faces and long bodies and patterns. we turned off the light and (naturally being photographers) we thought it looked like film grain/noise, everywhere. our pupils were swollen and i related it to aperture, which explained why everything seemed more real, because our depth of field is smaller. but i could be wrong. we swam in the hotel pool and we realised how shut off we are usually, the walls that people put up around themselves. we were world-watching. we were seeing in photographs. we lay on our beds with our eyes closed and we imagined we were in a house, floating on a big lake, animals all around outside. the room rocked gently and we fell asleep.

it was quite beautiful. but everything here is. even if it isn't immediately apparent.

some pictures from our seaside afternoon:"

Thursday, December 10, 2009

ninemsn SOYA article


"When Nirrimi Hakanson dropped out of high school, everyone told her it was a big mistake.

On Wednesday night she got the last laugh.

The 17-year-old is on her way to being a famous and successful photographer after winning $5,000 cash and $5,000 in flights from the Qantas Spirit of Youth Awards (SOYA) to help her pursue her dreams."

Read the rest of the article here. SOYA winners

Nirrimi (bottom row, right)

"Nirrimi Hakanson, arguably the world’s most talented 17-year-old, was recognised for her inspiring fashion photography"

Read the rest of the article here. Congrats, Nirrimi!

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Nirrimi Tweets!

nirrimi: just read 'of a boy' by sonya hartnett. killer ending.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Spilled Milk

Here is a brief article about Nirrimi in Spilled Milk magazine! (Click on the image for a link to article.)

Monday, September 7, 2009

Matt Tweets!

Matt Caplin, Nirrimi's boyfriend, tweets to fans about their joint photography, n+m:

nirrimi and i won't ever break up, but if anything ever happens, there will still always be n + m :)

Nirrimi Featured as SOYA Shortlister!

Nirrimi is featured on Brisbane Creative Industries blog with a little blurb she wrote about herself. How could you not choose her with such a firey bio!

Nirrimi Hakanson - Townsville, Qld

“Maybe I am just a sixteen year old with exceptional eyes and fingers. I’ve wanted to be a fashion photographer since the beginning of high school, and it’s something that has gradually became thought and breath. Inspired by dreams, youth and colour, I’m not letting my view of the world go unnoticed. I want to be shooting for the likes of Vogue and Oyster before I am legally an adult, just to prove that with ambition and passion, age is irrelevant. I am here to create. I feel like I am still a child, and I want to make my imagination come to life through fashion photography. My photography work is very affected by my curiosity and the stage of life I am going through. I pour myself into my images. I’d like to think I’m fresh and completely what this industry needs.”